Old Town Square


Like Wenceslas Square, Old Town Square is pretty popular among tourists. However, after observing those tourists today in Old Town Square, it appears this spot attracts tourists more for its historic architecture. Týn Church and the Jan Hus Memorial statue results in tourists’ cameras pointed upward to capture an image of the sights.  Old Town Square provides many sights and entertainment, but the Astronomical Clock seems to usually draw the largest crowd, accompanied with camera upon camera snapping away as the clock strikes.

Aside from the architecture, Old Town Square is also a spot for performances of some kind. Musicians are spread across the square. Yesterday, a performance by baton twirlers was taking place in the Square. After pushing my way through the crowd, and snapping a few shots, I discovered the event was the “International Festival of Police Orchestras and Choirs.” The young performers stood at attention between songs. Unfortunately, Prague has been experiencing quite the rainy weather, and yesterday was no exception. I think it was all a little much for one performer. This young girl, maybe nine or ten years old, dropped her baton during one of the performances. While waiting for the orchestra to start the next song, the rain became heavier, which didn’t mix too well with the 50-degree weather. She broke out in tears and her mother rushed to comfort the young twirler. The next performance soon started and the girl was performing like a pro in no time.


A musician packs up after performing for tourists in Old Town Square.


Despite the cold and rainy weather, tourists like this woman still came out to see the Czech sights and architecture in Old Town Square.

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