Don’t y’all forget about us, ya hear?

IMG_0829newIt’s starting to really hit me that I’ll be leaving Prague much sooner than later. At this point, I don’t even have a full 48 hours left in this city. It’s a weird feeling. Sure, I’ve complained about a few things (weather, people, my need for AC), but I have greatly enjoyed being here in Prague and around the Czech Republic. I always try to keep in mind how lucky I am to be able to see and experience what I have during this month-long study abroad. It just makes me think to myself, “Some people may never get to see this in their lifetimes, yet here I am, lucky enough to take it all in as it lays out in front of my eyes.”

As I begin to reflect on the past month, one of many aspects of Prague crosses my mind. The stylistic detail of the architecture is something I won’t get to see in America as often as I’ve seen it in Prague. I’ve noticed the faces and the people, engraved and sculpted into the buildings that I pass nearly everyday here. It’s an aspect of the architecture that can be easily missed if not looking for it. I talked quite a bit about the historic architecture in my first blog post, but that was before I was even able to start noticing and appreciating the smaller details. It’s a lesson I’ve learned that I will take away from this trip. Just as the journey can be greater than the destination, so too can one small part be greater than its whole.IMG_2357new IMG_2359new

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