Appreciating the Overlooked

IMG_4514newAs I mentioned in my “Artistic Inspiration” post, I’m a big fan of art. I appreciate a multitude of styles and forms because it’s all about the artist’s mind taking over to create a unique piece, which is all digested visually by the viewer.  Art is a form of expression, whether it be emotional or political or some other reason, and that’s a beautiful thing. While walking to the zoo bus on Saturday, I happened to notice the pattern of painted faces and bodies along a hallway I was passing through. Surprisingly, I didn’t even realize the wall art until I was halfway through passageway.

These kinds of moments make me realize that I can sometimes be a bit oblivious to my surroundings when I’m focused on getting from one point to another. It happens often while I’m driving home, which really isn’t the best habit. Once I snap out of my trance and realize what’s around me, I wonder what made me go into that trance in the first place. The answer revolves around me rushing through a place. I’m determined to get somewhere, but sometimes forget that the journey to my destination can oftentimes be just as great, if not better, than the destination itself. I’m glad I snapped out of my trance before exiting this passageway. I was completely fascinated with the work once I let my mind take it in. Even this morning, I was guilty of my habit, but was able to notice more art before it was too late. It’s important for me, and others as well, to just slow down a bit and appreciate what surrounds us.

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